Friday, March 11, 2011

EOC Week 8: Are celebrities fair game?

Being a celebrity has its perks; everyone knows their name, people look up to them, and they live the rich and famous life style.  Then there are times where being a celebrity is a nightmare.  Paparazzi stalks celebrities everyday and just shove their cameras into these famous people’s faces.  There is no privacy for the rich and famous.

As a photographer, I believe there is a blurred line when celebrities are fair game.  Celebrities should understand and accept that their lives are public domain once they dabble into the media industry.  If a certain celebrity decides to join a reality show for their drug addiction or is already known for wanting to be all over the entertainment news, then the media is going to hound that celebrity.  Photographers, reporters, and others will have no problem invading their privacy.

 Once someone becomes a celebrity, the word privacy does not exist.  I agree that celebrities are fair game, to a certain point.  I believe if a celebrity decides to be a very private person, then they should be left alone.  Paparazzi can take a couple photos (they do have to make a living) , however hounding and stalking is unacceptable.  If a celebrity is with their child, the media should leave the, alone.  All the chaos could scare the children or even harm them.

Being a celebrity foes mean they are fair game, however as I stated above, there are some blurred lines.

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